Saturday, June 9, 2012

the festival in granada

When we made the decision to go to the festival in Granada, it was about 1 AM. This was a unique time to be going to such an event for me, as in America events like this usually end at about 10 at the latest. This one ended around 4 AM. We decided to walk and it was rather far. As we began going through construction sites and into the darker side of town, we got a bit worried about whether or not we were walking in the right direction. I asked several groups of people for directions, gathering as much as I could from their responses given the language barrier. I know a bit of spanish but not enough to be certain by any means. Needless to say, we made it. The festival was quite a spectacle and far different from any fair i've ever been to at the US.
The entrance to the event had an arch that was extremely brightly lit with white lights. This type of an entrance was reminiscent of a music festival or something of that nature for its intricate and eye catching design. Inside there was intense techno music playing and a lot of alcohol. There were young children everywhere despite the lateness of our arrival. Many of the rides were also unusually scary for the festival goer. They reminded me of rides one would see at Six Flags. Upon seeing a haunted house, many of us bought tickets to enter. It was very funny to experience, as it was comprised mostly of halloween decorations lit by spotlights. There were only two humans in the entire ride, one of which jumped onto our cart and physically interacted with people in it. In America, such interaction would be illegal without signing a waiver. The ferris wheel we went on was unusually fast, making for a great time. The bumper cars were the best I've ever been on. They were dangerously fast for bumper cars making for very hard impacts and the possibility of whiplash. It was great fun.
The rides were bedazzled with lights, and in combination with the loud music this experience was a bit like a rave with carnival rides. It was unforgettable and very different from anything I could have imagined walking into it. This is due to my impression of such events when seeing them in America. While this was certainly a highlight of my experience in Granada, it wasn't the most memorable. Granada had so much intricate beauty to offer. Up to this point, it is the most beautiful place i've ever been to. I look forward to more excursions.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, Jeff. Glad to know learn about your evening... keep writing and posting.


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