Sunday, June 17, 2012

R.I.P rat tail

Before I departed on this glorious Spain adventure I made a style decision that cannot be undone. It wasn't a life or death decision by any means but it is still a decision I somewhat regret. One aspect that I noticed almost immediately while roaming the streets of Madrid is the fact that EVERYONE (a bit dramatic I know) has some sort of rat tail or mullet.  I have noticed people (more so men) sporting dreadlock mullets, afro mullets, and mohawk mullets. The entire mullet family! I have also observed dreadlock rat tails! There are people who have rat tails on the side, the Anakin Skywalker tail (my personal favorite), along with the classic centered tail.

 A day before the airplane to Madrid I decided to chop off my odd hair extension, my rat tail. As trashy as it may be, I enjoyed it and embarrassingly re-learned how to braid hair due to the tail. In the United States rat tails and mullets are typically deemed trashy and unattractive. Not in Spain!  Unaware of how "fashionable" rat tails and mullets are in Europe, I thought cutting it off would be a good way to clean up and start fresh. I mean come on...I definitely didn't want to stick out. I now realize that in Spain I would fit right in, more so than in America. Seeing all the rat tails and mullets here has made me contemplate on growing mine out again. Who knows...maybe a dreadlock tail will be in my future. Have all of you noticed the insane amount of mullets and rat tails?


  1. Do not change your hair to suit the situation
    just meet actuality/reality here…
    it's all good
    style is style

    just that

    you have your own clear, strong appearance —

    you made a change
    no U-turn necessary!

  2. true true. I am not trying to necessarily change my style, seeing all the rat tails does make me miss mine though. haha I think it is funny how popular they seem to be here. Also, it has been super nice having less hair, especially in this heat.


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