Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reflection on Global Seminar

Going to Spain this summer was one of the best experiences of my life.  I do not think that 5 weeks has flown by so fast in my life.  The fact that all of the girls got to stay together was a major plus for me.
 We all bonded very well with no separation in the group I feel if we would have been separated than we would not have bonded so well.  The friends that I made on this trip are people that I would like to stay friends with long after the trip is done.  I don’t think that I can name one amazing moment, or one particular eye opening experience because everything was so amazing and eye opening. I personally would live in Madrid if I had the chance and if Spain had more job opportunities. I never once felt scared or overwhelmed on this trip everything was calming and familiar.  One of my favorite parts about the trip was the ability to see these things that are so often talked about in text books.  To go and see the paintings in the Prado and other museums was absolutely amazing! You never realize the scope and talent that goes into these paintings until you stand in front of them.  It also helped to have a teacher who was so knowledgeable about the art and point out facets in the paintings i never realized existed.  I was very intrigued by the fact that all the different areas of Spain have such different cultures.  I suppose it is no different than the different regions of the US, but traveling to Grenada or Barcelona made me feel as though I was in another country.  The Spanish people all per are very nice people, they are more than eager to help you learn their language if you at least try and speak to them in broken Spanish.  There was not a single moment of this trip that I felt threatened by another person, and other than pickpockets I never thought that I was in any sort of danger.  I am still trying to process all the amazing things that I saw on this trip.  Looking through my photos it feels like more of a dream than reality.
The most inspiring things that I did on this trip would probably be a tie between the Alhambra and going to Montserrat in Barcelona.  I'll start talking about the Alhambra first.  I have seen many pictures of the Alhambra, and now I have shown many people pictures of the Alhambra, but even looking at my pictures that I took I know that it does not compare to seeing it in public.  There was something about standing on that bellower with all of Grenada sprawling out in front of me and the mountains rising up sharply behind me that was almost sublime.  I have never felt so insignificant in my life as when I experienced the Alhambra (and I mean that in a GOOD way!!).  There is a feeling you get walking through there knowing that people far before your time carved all these things into this stone and then made an ENTIRE building out of it that makes you feel like you really haven't accomplished that much in your life.  Everything about the Alhambra was so peaceful, I felt as if all the people went away you would not be able to tell what century you are in by just standing in one of the rooms.  The gardens of the Alhambra are also awe inspiring and should never be passed up if one finds themselves at the Alhambra.  In all I think if I visited Spain again I would most likely go back to Grenada and the Alhambra I feel like there is so much more to do and experience in that town and I would love to be able to walk through the Alhambra one more time.  
On the other side of the country there is Montserrat.  It was made by monks who found a black Virgin Mary in a cave at the top of the mountain.  While the Alhambra was awe-inspiring because of its carvings, Montserrat was awe-inspiring because of its location.  To me, Montserrat was like the pyramids, its not the beauty of the object, but the fact that it was made there so long ago by people who do not have anything even close to our technology! Montserrat is not one of the places that we visited as a class unfortunately, and it is a ways out of Barcelona, but if one finds themselves in Barcelona believe me whatever you go through will be worth it.  Montserrat was one of the most peaceful places that I have ever been.  The walking paths that surround the civilized areas are well maintained but still give the feel that you are isolated from humanity.  Although the church is crowded with people, there is still a feeling of peace and quiet.  They have signs posted throughout reminding people to be quiet, I loved that.  If people had been talking it would have completely detract from the experience.
All in all if I could do it again I would, in a heartbeat.  Looking back on this trip I do not have any hard feelings, regrets, or disappointments.  I only wish it had lasted longer.  I can’t imagine being with a better group of people or having a better teacher.  Its a real concern of mine that nothing else in my life will compare to the amazing time I had in Spain with all the people I met.

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