Friday, June 15, 2012

Ana, Ana, y Anna

After being in marvelous Madrid for two weeks, I am now one hundred percent sure that no amount of time here will be enough. In Madrid alone there are so many nooks and crannies, I dont think it would be possible to be able to explore them all. Each day there is a new cafe to find and a new tapas to try, every night there is a new area to explore and interesting people to meet. I came on this trip excited to meet new people, have new experiences and become friends with the people in my group, so far Spain has not been one to disappoint. Last night, the group went out to Chueca (which is rapidly becoming one of our regular destinations), and after leaving one bar with the intention of finding somewhere new to dance, we were distracted by a busy area with musicians, playgrounds, and plenty of people to meet. It was to my surprise that the first couple of girls I talked with shared my name! It was great being able to talk with them (they spoke English surprisingly well) and hear about their lives. One of the girls had actually studied abroad as well, allowing us to compare stories and laugh about incidences that outsiders would find strange and only those you share the trip with will be able to appreciate.

After swapping stories and talking for a little while, their friends were becoming restless and ready to move on, we were able to exchange facebook information so we could hopefully meet up ! We learned quickly that they best way to explore the streets of Madrid was to be shown by locals so it is great to be able to have another connection here in town!

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