Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wait.. You know Logan Spence?

On Thursday night the ten of us went to a bar in Chueca (as many other blog posts have stated).  When the bar closed we decided to try and find somewhere else to go.  While we did not find another bar we did find an area where many people were hanging out in a park.  After spotting the jungle gym equipment we were sure that this was a place that we needed to stop for a bit.  After chatting with some of the other people there, many of them knew very good english, Anna and I decided that it would be societally acceptable to go play on some of the equipment.  Our obvious choice of playground was the one with swings.  We rode on the swings for a little then decided to just sit and talk.  A short time passed before a young man our age came over and asked if we were from Australia or the United States. I am still baffled by the fact that he thought our accent sounded Australian.  After telling him that we were from the United States the usual question of where in America are you from.  Although his reaction to that answer was something unusual.  Immediately after I answered his face lit up as he summoned his friend over crying out that we are from Colorado.  His friend's name was Lalo Fernandez and he had amazingly spent the last few years of his life living in Summit Country, Colorado.  He spent his time there snowboarding.  After we informed him that we go to CU he asked us if we knew what Boulder freeride is and if we had heard of Never Summer.  One of my close friends is very involved with both of those groups, not expecting the answer to be yes, I casually said, "Oh you know people in boulder freeride?  Do you know Logan Spence?".  To my absolute astonishment he responded, "Logan? Ya we used to skateboard and snowboard all the time when I was there!".  Needless to say I almost had a heart attack and fell on the ground.  Here I am, sitting on a swing, in a playground in Madrid Spain, and this kid knows one of my friends all the way back in the United States.  What are the chances of that?! After exchanging information and writing down his name so I could recount the experience to Logan we each went our separate ways.  The next day I received a friend request on facebook from Lalo.  I was once again flabbergasted at the fact that we had over 20 mutual friends.  I am still amazed.  What a small small world we live in.  

1 comment:

  1. Surprising coincidence. These new friendships/connections could certain deepen your knowledge of Spain and Spanish culture —yes?


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