Sunday, June 10, 2012


On Wednesday night I went to the Reina Sofia Museum to look for a book on, Dora Garcia, the artist I am researching. It was one of the first times I had been out on my own this trip. I was sort of panicked because I did not know how to just ask where are the books on Dora Garcia. I instantly remembered that “donde esta” means where is in Spanish. I timidly walked up to the lady behind the counter and said “donde esta”, paused, picked up a book, paused again then said Dora Garcia. Instantly she said "do you speak English ?", my face lit up as I nodded, gave two thumbs up and said yes. The lady in the bookstore spoke impeccable English it was nice. They didn't have the book but I feel that I learned from that experience in how knowing just a few words and making up sign language can go a long way. Pointing at things is good. I also think I have a decent accent while saying “gracias”. Saying “donde esta” helps me find things, I like it. 

1 comment:

  1. Pero donde estas? I like your learning!
    Matt said your piece was one of the best!


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