Sunday, June 10, 2012


Granada was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and inspiring cities I have ever been to. The people, the music, the architecture, and the general feeling had me falling in love. Although we were only there for less than 24 hours, I feel as though we saw so much of the culture and tradition of Spain.
Seeing real flamenco up close in person was an incredible experience. When the first round of dancers came out, I was slightly disappointed. They didn't have the duende that I had heard so much about. They were laughing and tripping over each other and it seemed like a joke to them. When the second round of performers came out I had a very different reaction. They stormed the stage with such presence and passion that it was impossible to look away. The music and dance merged so perfectly to create an unforgettable experience. One dancer in particular (pictured above) was phenomenal. You could see the feeling in her eyes and her presence filled the entire room. The crowd changed too when she was performing and everyone was entranced by her intensity. Many people, including myself, were shouting "Ole!" and getting really into it.
The performance made me want to see it again, but in a less touristy setting. I think I will look into finding flamenco here in Madrid.

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